Imagine you're in your Google Ads dashboard. Clicks are coming. All is good. You log off. Go binge-watch Seinfeld or something. Come back. Log in. But now you're greeted with some message about "Circumventing Systems" yada yada yada...
November 2023 | duke
The Google Ads side of your affiliate business has just been put on hold.
Your ads will no longer run. And the ominous message from Google is you - you as a person - are no longer allowed on the Google Ads platform to run ads. EVER AGAIN!
But is that really the case? Can you fix this problem? How?
The very aim of this here guide is to answer that. But please be aware -- this is an ongoing project & more time for research is needed.
That's an open question. Because at the time of the wrting of this guide early on here, I've only started looking into this issue (an hour or two on Google search) and so far I'm not finding much actionable help out there. Sure there's lots of very general information. But certainly not much geared for the "bridge-page-health-funnel affiliate."
I've had account suspensions before in my 18-year Google ads career. But never C.S. (Circumventing Systems) specifically. This problem appears to mean that Google thinks you're trying to trick them somehow, like using some shady black-hat technique like cloaking or something.
Strangely, Google search produces surprisingly little information on C.S. from Google Ads (deliberately?). You'd think Google search for Google information would be at the top of the heap in the search results. But it ain't.
So far with my very limited experience with Circumventing Systems, I would say it is NOT something that appears easily solvable. The lack of good searchable information online is one reason.
But that's just a first impression. We'll have to wait and see (I'm a C.S. noobie). My ace in the hole is I still have my top-shelf sources to invoke.
Google's response to terms violations in advertising with them has been evolving for a couple decades now.
Since my first advertising account with them in 2005 to promote my travel business, and since my first affiliate marketing campaign with them in 2009, I've had my fair share of advertising-related violations with Google (including being banned-for-life in 2009, for iframing CPA offers on my domain.)
No longer banned-for-life (and experienced in how Google deals with other types of account violations), I can say with complete certainty that you need to approach things with Google in a very calculated way.
Every contact you make with them on an issue is like using up one of your alotted "problem interaction opportunities". After you contact them a certain number of times, they'll just refuse to listen to you anymore on the issue.
These interaction opportunities on a specific issue with Google are limited in number, so I guess it behooves us to use them wisely.
You certainly don't want to be annoying with them. Or threatening. Google doesn't need you. You need Google.
It's good to remember that Google is very cryptic in much of their messaging. Google is a black-box. They don't divulge a lot of 'nuts and bolts' type information about how things work under-the-hood. They can be frustratingly vague and lack detail in their statements, especially on issues of terms violation.
Perhaps most importantly, it helps to know that these initial notifications of violations are generated by AI/bots. So until an actual human being at a Google office in Bangalore or somewhere goes in and personally combs through your ad account, there's always a chance for an initial-bot decision to be reversed.
Google support is usually attrocious. Lots of low experience, first-level-contact folks who don't really listen well.
So you have to navigate that whole minefield prudently.
At times, it seems like you can get through without much fuss to live human-support. That being chat and telephone. Other times though, only email support option is available in your account. These "other times" can last for weeks at a time. Why long periods of email support only? Seems to have some bearing on your account history? Not really sure. Black-box Google can be weird sometimes.
One sure fire way to get a C.S. (Circumventing Systems) suspension on your Google Ads account? Try to trick Google with Black Hat methods like cloaking links or landing pages. It should be obvious not to do these things, but people still try. C.S. is a message from Google saying to you they don't trust you anymore because you tried tricking them in some way. Whether you actually did or not doesn't matter. What Google perceives is all that matters.
We now know another definite cause of C.S.: using a domain in your ad that Google doesn't like.
This was reported in 2018 by a tech-company owner who integrates with Google Ads. During some Google Ads testing he was carrying out, his ad account was slapped with C.S.. Google indicated to him that the domain he used in an ad was 'banned for C.S..' His reply, "Their (Google's) inconsistency is pretty impossible to deal with." I've heard of a Google Ads domain blacklist in the past. But good luck trying to find it!
One example of a "bad domain" is one that was used in an ad that performed a redirect. Even just a normal, innocent redirect -- doesn't have to be a black-hat cloak-type redirect (which obviously is also prohibited). Such a harmless little redirect can come from using a tracking link, for instance (not a UTM link, but a 'tracking link' - BIG difference.) Google wants people who click on your ad to land on the domain shown in the ad. In fact, they demand it. So if your domain has EVER been used to redirect traffic, it may be an issue with the Big G. Morale of the story? Make sure your domain has a good bill of health. PRO TIP It's possible that you registered a new domain name thinking it's brand new, but in fact it was used before and expired (always check KNOW THE HISTORY OF YOUR DOMAIN BEFORE USING IT IN GOOGLE ADS!
There are other domain/site related issues with Google that may not necessarily on their own cause C.S., but may certainly be a contributing factor. This is especially true in terms of establishing trust with Google, something C.S. violates blatantly. Refer to this article to learn more: How To Create A Google Ads Account
Google Ads policy (article 6008942) mentions 'bridge' pages (Hello Profit Singularity!) in the context of 'circumventing' and 'abuse of the ad network'. Those are some pretty serious charges levelled against poor 'ol bridge page.
Another possibility for C.S. mentioned in the policy above is 'manipulating settings', whatever that means. Something else worth mentioning that I never forgot from long ago, is that updating landing pages after ads have been approved may raise Google suspicions that funny business is going on.
Google Ads policy (article 6020954) in the section under Circumventing Systems states, "In determining whether an advertiser or destination is violating this policy, we may review information from multiple sources including your ad, website, accounts, and third-party sources.
I guess the part about "ad" could mean for example you're advertising children's books in your video ad but send visitors to an erectyle disfunction offer. Something like that. Just a guess though. Google is a black-box enigma.
There's a BIG problem with the above statement in article 6020954...
Third-party sources -- That could mean just about anything. Now try and figure out what the problem in your Google account was if ANY outside source in the world is potentially used to make a C.S. determination. It's IMPOSSIBLE with this kind of open-ended stipulation ALONE! End of story.
Are you a noobie affiliate marketer promoting health supplements on Youtube?
If so, then Google doesn't like you very much.
Straight up.
Google is very sensitive to health-related advertising, ESPECIALLY coming from a new advertiser. They consider this high risk. You need to bear in mind that Google is motivated by two things. One is user experience. And the other is our good 'ol friend... The Government. So if you're promising in your ad to help aleviate some health problem - as many affiliates do - and enough disappointed customers bitch and moan loudly enough, then the FTC may step in (as they have done before). Google is all about avoiding such a scenario. A typical 3-step affiliate funnel of: YOUTUBE AD > BRIDGE PAGE > HEALTH SUPPLEMENT OFFER is far from what Google considers to be a 'good user experience' (a phrase Google beats to death.) As such, they will levy extra scrutiny on you.
Profit Singularity customer support gave this answer to fix Circumventing Systems:
If your Google Ads account has been suspended for Circumventing Systems, here are some steps to troubleshoot and appeal:
1. Review Google's Policies: Understand the specific reasons for the suspension by reviewing Google's Circumventing Systems policy.
2. Correct the Violations: Make any necessary changes to your account and campaigns to comply with Google's policies.
3. Submit an Appeal: Once you've made the changes, submit an appeal through your Google Ads account. Provide a detailed explanation of the changes you've made to address the policy violations.
4. Be Patient: Google's review process can take some time, so be patient while waiting for a response.
If you need further assistance or guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to Google Ads support for more specific advice based on your account's situation.
This is a very general, templated-type reply (like a form letter from the IRS or something) with no nuance regarding your particular situation at all. Profit Singularity has data on thousands of people so they can do better than that. Helpful would be some detaily examples of these generalities, at least. As a matter of fact, that's a brilliant idea! I'm going to follow up with them and demand some specific examples right after I finish this update!
Getting Google suspensions and fixing them is an industry in itself.
You can hunt and peck 'round the internets and try to figure out how to fight C.S. on your own, like I'm trying to do with this guide.
Or you can hire an experienced professional that deals with the narrow niche of account restoration every day.
Time or money -- your choice.
If you're a bridge-page-health-affiliate, and you're C.S. suspended for no obvious reason, then this is your #1 choice to fix your problem in the quickiest manner. If not Stubgroup (I have no experience with them), then some other professional service that specializes in restoring suspended accounts.
Great point mentioned in the video below about a new reason for C.S.: having an ad policy violation in multiple Google Ads accounts. So if you make a punctuation error in one of your ads in one account, and make the same or other error in another account, that is grounds for C.S.
• Black hat
• Bad domain
• Bad business model*
• Bridge pages*
• Promoting pages solely to show ads*
• Ad violations in multiple ad accounts
• Manipulating settings
• 3rd-party considerations
• Primary intent of ad: to gain public social network endorsements
• Updating landing pages after ad approval (It is unclear as to exactly what changes may draw Google's ire)
• Ad/website/accounts issues (one example is if Google detects what they call "compromised domains" in your account - these are domains that contain malware which Google detected on your site, which could happen if your server is hacked for instance)
* directly related to Profit Singularity
This guide is an actively growing repository for information on the Google Ads "Circumventing Systems" account suspension, with updates forthcoming in the next days/weeks/whatever. So if you have something to share, please contact me. I've heard many folk complain about C.S. (seems like noobie affiliates mostly, maybe I'm wrong) but it never affected me so I always skipped over it in forums and stuff. Well, it's high time we FINALLY get to the bottom of how to solve this thing and get your affiliate marketing business back up and running!