Affiliate marketers know the perils of Facebook advertising quite well thank you very much.
Following is just another horror story.
February 15, 2024 | duke
They're a piece of you know what.
It's not enough they're sneaky & sly on their organic side (things like sending friend requests that appear genuine but are not).
But they also do huge rug-pulls on the business side.
At any moment and without any warning, they'll shut down your business for no good reason. This is followed by your replies either being ignored or met with a series of canned form letters.
Case in point.
Facebook doesn't like my personal worldview so when my news page began to approach 10k followers, weird things started happening.
The page was steadily growing and getting about 20-30 new followers per day on average. But after hitting the 9.9k follower mark, the average daily number of new followers began to decrease. Then it stopped increasing. Then it began reversing. Losing followers. I did nothing differently. New posts suddenly got only about 10% of previous distribution. Major shadow ban. And then the climax in the form of personal profile shutdown (of course along with a couple dozen Business Manager accounts, Ad accounts, and Business Pages - everything associated with the personal profile of 11 years). Banned for life. No warning. No explanation, other than some vague and arbitrary community standards reference blah blah blah. NATO-funded Atlantic Council is 'fact' checker at Facebook. Try presenting countering viewpoints on foreign policy and this is the inevitable consequence.
BM IN 2024
That was 2020.
Fast forward to 2024 and I need to get a Facebook Business Manager account (or Meta Business Manager, or whatever they call it these days) to check some stuff out.
So banned-for-life lil' ol me recruits the services of a third party. Last year my daughter agreed to allow me the use of her personal profile account in order to set up an ad account, play with Marketplace, and just overall do ad related stuff since she never touches any of that anyway. It was cool getting access to an ad account again. I was able to play around in there all I wanted - no issues.
Then comes this year and I need to set up a Facebook sales pixel. That requires a BM (Business Manager account). I set it up. Get the confirmation email. Click the link, and BOOM! Account suspension. Immediately upon clicking the link in the confirmation email for the first and only BM account creation in this personal profile, the new BM account is toast.
Thanks Facebook, you've now graciously given me a nice XX hours-long project. I've got nothing better to do than spend dozens of hours researching your finicky BS ways to try and fix this. Thanks again. At least I'll get some content for the website out of this.
So my current new mission, if I choose to accept it, is to answer the prickly question: how to reverse a suspended BM? Or how to get the personal profile to be granted permission not to have every new BM creation attempt be rejected from now to eternity? Or how to mother-lovin' be able to get access to a BM account and create a damn sales pixel so I can do some testing?!
Sorry for blowing a gasket.
In any event, here we go again. Another ad network research project on reversing an account suspension. Same old drill. I'll continue to update this here page on new information regarding...
More to come.